Products > TH-Series Heat Shrink Tubers Terminal Wire Shrinkable TubersDual Station version: TH8001-plus Single Station version: TH8002HOnline/Robotic Shrinkable TubersRegular Wire version: TH80-OLE1Thick Cable version: TH80-OLE2Hot Air version: TIV6 Space-saving version: TIV8Thick Cable Shrinkable TubersDesktop version: TH80-JT Guide-rail version: TH80-JT-PlusDual Station version: TH8001-ProConveyor Shrinkable TubersRegular version: TH801-LiteEnhanced version: TH801-PlusTerminal Wire version: TH801-TEconomic Shrinkable TubersMass Production Air Jet: TH8010Sandwich Style Heater: TH8080Versatile Heat Shrink Tubers Tube Shrinking and Press Tuber TH80-DPShrinking and Bending Tuber TH80JT-DW-ZCDesktop Versatile Shrinkable Tuber TH80JT-FDuplex Versatile Shrinkable Tuber TH80JT-Plus-DW TR-Series Automated wire harness assembly equipment Housing Process EquipmentHousing Hole Punch: TR01Robotic Seal Inserter: TR02-SM Economic Seal Inserter: TR02-Lite Wire Bundling/Taping EquipmentHandheld version: TR05-std/miniDesktop version: TR05-DSKLong/Thick Wire version: TR05-HCRCable Tie Gun: TR12-GNIDC Press: TR08Welding Joint Pull Tester: TR10Threading/Tubing EquipmentCorrugated Conduit Tubing: TR48-CG-ABFTight Tube Threading: TR48-CG-KDSRubber Seal Threading: TR48-CG-SM01OthersCable Stripping & Stranding: TR48-BJ-KDS TS-Series IoT Devices Custom MES Software For Wire Harness Manufacturing: TS01 General SCADA Interface Card: TS02Wireless Self-powered Clip Detector: TS03Mobile Crimping Counter: TS04